Red Bull Batalla, the world’s largest freestyle competition, will return to Miami for a Regional Qualifier on Saturday, August 26 at SkateBird Miami. This comes on the heels of regional qualifiers in Los Angeles and Houston and ahead of the National Final in Dallas in November. Top MCs will battle it out to see who can earn their way to Dallas to give themselves a chance at taking on the globe’s best talent at the World Final in Bogotá, Colombia December 2.
During the bracket-style, 1v1 event, the Qualifier Phase will match some of the most dynamic Spanish-language lyricists in the country, where they’ll go bar-for-bar in hopes of advancing in the worldwide competition and proving themselves as the best of the best.
Some familiar faces are set to take the Miami stage in the stacked lineup, including MC Freites, Zeu, Crown, Micky Ricon, and even a former Red Bull Batalla World Champion, Link_One.
The panel of judges for the qualifier will include local hip hop heavyweights MC Snow, Chester and Sara Socas. Racso White Lion and Sonja La Makina will be co-hosting the festivities with DJ Cesar behind the wheels of steel.
In lead up to the event, pop-ups will be occurring throughout Miami featuring drop ins from competitors and Red Bull Batalla veterans to give the city a preview of their skills and the intense battles set for August 26. During the qualifier itself, the infamous Secret Walls crew will be painting live during the battles, unveiling an MC-inspired piece of art at the end of the competition.
The full event will be available for fans to stream on the @redbullbatalla Twitch/YouTube/Facebook platforms on August 29 following the event.
To learn more about all the 2023 U.S. competitors, head to the Red Bull Batalla website or the Red Bull Batalla channel on YouTube. For photos from Red Bull Batalla, head over to Red Bull Content Pool.
Tickets for the Miami Qualifier are available now: