Back by popular demand, Juggerknot Theatre Company, creators of “Miami Motel Stories” presents “The Blues Opera”, an autobiographical, immersive one-man-show written by Miami blues musician, Eric Garcia, AKA “Uncle Scotchy”. Returning on Wednesday, Sept. 21, after two months of sold out shows, this one-of-a-kind intimate performance opens to 12 guests at a time in a secret location in Little Havana.
ArtBurst says in the The Miami Herald says, “The Blues Opera is an emotional catharsis”. The Miami New Times says, “The stories tear through your heart like a hot knife”. And, Jitney Books calls the “The Blues Opera” a unique Magnum Opus, and says, “The Blues Opera is a poignant, unforgettable theatrical experience. Miami has never seen anything quite like this”.
Participants can expect a night of live music, games, drinks and true stories about love, family, loss and redemption. Tickets on sale now at
Each night, audience members will be greeted by Garcia himself, as a life-long friend invited into his home. Then they will be whisked away into a whirlwind of live music, games, drinks and true stories. Locals familiar with the bluesman’s work will soon realize that “The Blues Opera” isn’t your usual concert or performance, but an immersive experience connecting audiences through music, comical truth-bombs, drinking games, laughter, and the stories that form us as adults.
“Everyone who has a parent, is a parent, or will become parents, can relate, said said Juggerknot Theatre Company founder and “The Blues Opera” co-producer, Tanya Bravo. “And what will connect audience members to Eric even more are the shared experiences of being a caregiver.”
“When my mom was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s at the tender age of 57, I embedded my tragedies of being a sole caregiver to her into my stories and into my music. It saved my life,” said Garcia.
“And, just like Eric, my father was diagnosed with the same disease at the very same age, continues Tanya Bravo.
“We are really seeking to familiarize, normalize, and de-stigmatize what it is to be a person who is also a caregiver to a loved one and all the realities that come with it,” added co-producer and Tanya’s sister, Natasha Bravo. “Watching each other grow on this path, “The Blues Opera” really culminates in a true labor of love.”
Tickets for “The Blues Opera” are limited to only 12 guests per show. Tickets available through